Founders Environmental Stewardship

Our Mission is to restore, improve and protect our precious natural resources through civic improvement and educational projects and sounding a strong voice in support of environmental stewardship.
Founders fully supports and attempts to replicate on a local level the objectives and goals of the National Affairs and Legislation and Conservation Committees of the GCA.
The GCA’s legislative position papers are promoted and supported at the state level. Our local efforts are enhanced by membership in the Florida Conservation Coalition and the Science and Environmental Council of Sarasota County.
Founders strives to raise awareness in the community of environmental issues and promote responsible activities in the preservation of the environment.
Founders Support of Coral Disease Research
Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium coral scientists may get one step closer to better understanding a devastating coral disease with the help of a $20,000 grant from the Founders Garden Club. Mote Marine’s Coral Health & Disease Research Program will investigate the potential of microplastics as a vector in spreading coral disease. The leader of this investigation will be Dr. Erinn Muller, Science Director for Mote’s Elizabeth Moore International Center for Coral Reef Research & Restoration and Manager of Mote’s Coral Disease and Coral Restoration programs.

“Thanks to support from the Founders Garden Club, I will be able to pursue a specific aspect of coral resiliency research, namely the impact of microplastics on disease transmission in corals,” said Muller.
Founders Support For Responsible Yard Care

Founders strives to raise awareness in the community of environmental issues and promote responsible activities in preserving the environment. To learn more about The Great Healthy Yard Project and take the healthy yard pledge, click
“I pledge to take care of my yard without synthetic pesticides, weed killers, or chemical fertilizers, except on rare occasions, to resolve an infestation or to improve habitat for native plants and wildlife. I also pledge not to flush pharmaceutical drugs or household chemicals down drains and toilets.”