Founders Garden Club Is Proud To Be A Member Of The Garden Club Of America

Founders Garden Club Mission
The Founders Garden Club mission is to stimulate the knowledge and love of gardening, to share the advantages of association by means of educational meetings, conferences, correspondence, and publications, and to restore, improve and protect the quality of the environment through educational programs and action in the fields of conservation and civic improvements.
Our History

First known as “Founders Circle,” Founders was organized in 1927 under the direction of Mrs. Arthur Cummer, president of the Florida State Federation of Garden Clubs. The first president was Mable Ringling, wife of circus magnate John Ringling, and the first meeting was held at her winter residence, Ca’d’Zan (House of John).
Mabel Ringling in her garden at Ca’d’Zan
Founders Garden Club is one of the oldest garden clubs in the U.S. and became a member of The Garden Club of America in 1985. Active membership has enabled Founders to continue a relationship with Ca’d’Zan by landscaping the approach to the mansion as well as supporting Mable’s Rose Garden. Most recently, the club collaborated with the John and Mable Ringling Museum of Art to organize “Ringling In Bloom,” floral interpretations of works from the museum’s art collection.

In 1935, Founders Circle installed a fountain in Luke Wood Park in memory of Mable Ringling.